Note: Due to Persian New Year Holiday, the PSI office will be closed as of March 18th to April 2nd 2021.

The Physics Society of Iran's Office, Office No.G02, Ground Floor, Khayam ‌Building, Physics Department, University of Tehran, North Karegar St.,
Tehran, Iran
P.O.Box: 15875-1311

Previous Office:
Suite 8, 4th Floor, No.5, Mehdizadeh Alley, S Kargar St., Enqelab Square,
Tehran, Iran

+98 21 88225693
+98 21 66905247

+98 21 88225693

Email: info{at}

Visits: 2674
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PSI Sponsors
  • Institute for Reseach in Fundamental Sciences, IPM
  • Sharif University of Technology
  • Department of Physics, University of Tehran

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