Members of the Board of Directors

Fourteenth Term of the Board (2020-2023)

Board of Directors:
  • Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi (Sharif University of Technology) - President
  • Hamidreza Moshfegh (University of Tehran) - Vice President
  • Nima Ghalee (Ferdowsi University Mashhad) - Treasurer
  • Seyyed Akbar Jafari (Sharif University of Technology)
  • Alireza Zaker Moshfegh (Sharif University of Technology)
  • Farhang Loran (Isfahan University of Technology)
  • Sadollah Nasiri Gheydari (Shahid Beheshti University)
Alternate Board Members:
  • Mansour Haghighat (Shiraz University)
  • Fatemeh Shojaie (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman)
  • Asghar Asgari (University of Tabriz)
  • Alireza Aghaee (University of Sistan and Balouchestan) - Inspector
  • Saeed Jalali Asadabadi (University of Isfahan) - Alternate Inspector

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PSI Sponsors
  • Institute for Reseach in Fundamental Sciences, IPM
  • Sharif University of Technology
  • Department of Physics, University of Tehran

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